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About Pediatric Belt Canes

A medically necessary tool for blind toddlers to walk

Pediatric Belt Canes detection of and protection from obstacles enable toddlers born with a mobility visual impairment or blindness (MVI/B) to walk, allows later walkers to start walking, and helps infrequent walkers to meet their recommended hours of daily physical activity.  

The Pediatric Belt Cane consists of a lightweight rectangular frame that connects with magnets to a custom-made belt. The all-terrain wheels roll along the floor and provide two points of contact.

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Adults find the Pediatric Belt Cane much easier for their children to keep in front of them than every other mobility tool on the market. Wearing the Pediatric Belt Cane enables the blind toddler to experience protected and informed travel with every step.


Safe Toddles, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the only organization in the world that manufactures and provides free to families in need the assistive safety devices that prevent walking delays in blind toddlers and stops them from developing needless cognitive delays. We are dedicated to transforming the lives of toddlers with congenital blindness through the invention, manufacture, and distribution of the Safe Toddles Pediatric Belt Cane.

Pediatric Belt Canes are medically necessary for children with an MVI/B to walk making them eligible for Medicaid reimbursement. Adult oversight is the key to children with an MVI/B using the Pediatric Belt Cane. We have curriculum videos and provide three hours of support to our families.


Once the Belt Cane is attached, children get more protection with less help from adults than with a hand-held assistive safety devices. Children with an MVI/B benefit from the safety of wearing a Pediatric Belt Cane during their recommended daily activity hours. At 10 months, recommended daily physical activity is 1 to 2 hours a day. By 18 months, it is 5 to 7 hours a day, every day. Easy to do, once they are wearing their safety.

Benefits of Early Introduction of
Pediatric Belt Canes

Providing a Belt Cane to your child is a medical necessity because it provides detection of and protection from obstacles which benefits their development and well-being. Here are just a few examples of the benefits of wearing the Belt Cane during recommended daily activity:

Increased Independence

Adult confidence in Belt Cane safe mobility results in their creating more opportunities for blind toddlers to engage in safe and fun independence.

Improved Cognition

Adults found that the ability to keep their children safe led them to engage in more typical toddler play with balls, dolls and roughhousing, less stimming more learning.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Adults love seeing how Belt Canes stop the blind child from colliding with danger, reducing the risk of injury and increasing their safe mobility.

Improved Social Skills

Adults said that when their children wore the Belt Cane they were more social. They enjoyed the playground. At home, they seek out their family and playmates.

Physical activity is the most important next step. This chart shows how many hours of physical activity are recommended each day based on the age of a child. Every hour protected by a Pediatric Belt Cane is one spent gaining confidence.

Title Safe Mobility O’Clock an analog clock graphic with a black clock hand pointing at 12. from clockwise captions read, 1 to 2 hours Therapy only or age 10 to 11 months, to stand with assistance, 3 to 4 hours Therapy & practice or age 12 months, to stand solo and walk with assistance, 5 to 6 hours  age 15 to 18 months, to walk solo and run with assistance, 6 to 8 hours age 24 months, to walk and run solo, 8 to 9 hours, age 36 months to explore, 9 to 12 hours plus, age 4 years and older, to play well with others

Features of Pediatric Belt Canes

Our Pediatric Belt Canes are specially designed with your child's safety and comfort in mind. Here are some of the key features:

Standard and custom sizes

Our Belt Cane sizes grow with your child, ensuring maximum comfort and functionality at every stage of development.

Reflective Tape

Our Belt Canes feature highly visible reflective tape to keep your child safe and visible in all lighting conditions.

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Two Frame Sizes Per Belt Cane

Each Belt Cane set has a standard long frame and a shorter, specialty frame. The standard frame is recommended to be used for most activities. The shorter, specialty frame is designed for use smaller spaces with level flooring and over-size frames.

Molded grip handle

The handle is designed to comfortably fit small hands and provide maximum grip, ensuring a safe and secure experience for your child.

Lightweight frame

Our Belt Canes are designed to be lightweight and durable, ensuring ease of use and maximum functionality.

Expert Support

Our Belt Canes come with a our Start with Safety curriculum learning guide to help you include the Belt Cane into your daily life. Our team of experts is always available to answer your questions. 845-244-6600

Get a Pediatric Belt Cane

Purchase a
Pediatric Belt Cane

Friends and Families

take advantage of the donor support discount when purchased through our website shop

Fully Funded
Pediatric Belt Canes

Families participate in videos sharing to receive fully funded Pediatric Belt Canes for their children.

Click to sign up!

Medicaid Coverage
Pediatric Belt Canes

The Pediatric Belt Cane is a medical necessity for blind toddlers

to walk. 

Equipment Suppliers (get a 10% discount)


School Purchase
Pediatric Belt Cane

We are the sole source of Pediatric Belt Canes, accept purchase orders and will complete    paperwork needed by your organization.

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