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Purchase a Belt Cane
Order by 1PM Pediatric Belt Cane ships same day!
First-time Belt Cane user? Please fill out an intake form (here) and we will contact you for Belt Cane size support. The fit of the Pediatric Belt Cane needs to be snug around the waist like a belt, and reach out two-steps ahead of the child with a mobility visual impairment or blindness for detection and protection.
Already know your size? (Here is a reminder of how to measure)
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Schools and Agencies Pediatric Belt Cane Purchase
Safe Toddles is the sole source for Pediatric Belt Canes. We accept purchase orders and will provide a price quote or any other paperwork needed by your school or agency before purchase of a Pediatric Belt Cane. Please click on the button below to begin the process of obtaining Pediatric Belt Canes for your students with a mobility visual impairment or blindness.
Belt Canes are a Medical Necessity
Children's hospitals, residential schools, agencies, school districts and individual therapists bill Medicaid insurance to cover the Pediatric Belt Cane because it is a medical necessity for learners with a MVI/B to walk. Individuals submit their paperwork through local durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers (e.g., National Seating and Mobility).
How to submit letters of medical necessity to durable medical equipment suppliers,
Step 1. Measure the child for the Belt Cane and send the size and letter of medical necessity (LMN) to your assistive technology professional (ATP) at your local DME. Find an example of that letter using the button below.
Step 2: The DME company sends the order to their doctor to sign off on and then sends that and the LMN to a state Medicaid reviewer for approval. Relevant billing code have allowed billing full price of the Belt Cane is E1399, miscellaneous code.
Step 3: Once the DME company receives an approval letter from Medicaid that they would pay for the belt cane, the DME company orders the belt cane. They submit the order for reimbursement on their end.
Step 4: The Belt Cane gets delivered to the DME company, and then they call the patient for delivery.
Research Project Opportunities
We are dedicated to removing barriers to Belt Canes for as many children as possible. Ask us how to receive a fully funded Belt Cane at no cost to your family. 845-244-6600
Safe Toddles Research Project
Pediatric Belt Canes in exchange for video diaries
Safe Toddles seeks families and professionals to join our video library. We have the largest library of children with a MVI/B demonstrating walking before and after being introduced to a Belt Cane. This assists us in our research to improve everyone's experiences with the Pediatric Belt Cane.
We are documenting the outcomes and experiences of consistent and inconsistent safety.
We are giving voice to voiceless infants who refuse to walk unprotected into the danger of the unknown. Belt Canes provide them detection and protection.
The abilities of infants with a mobility visual impairment or blindness (MVI/B) will be understood once we provide them with consistently safe mobility most of the day. We design white cane solutions that make sure people have the most effective safe mobility tools humans can devise.
Everyone using a Pediatric Belt Cane is encouraged to consider participating by submitting Belt Cane video diaries to us - future families can learn and benefit from your Belt Cane journey.