Why a Pediatric Belt Cane?
Safe Toddles has revolutionized the simple act of walking for blind toddlers by allowing them to feel safe as they move among their peers. Our lightweight, wearable safety device enables toddlers to detect obstacles in their path using their strongest sense, their sense of touch. Research shows Pediatric Belt Canes are medically necessary for toddlers born blind or mobility visually impaired to walk.
Two-year-old children’s ability to walk independently is essential to transforming them into preschoolers ready to start preschool.
Safe Toddles provides professional education, community outreach, and curriculum development to ensure every blind toddler has the tools they need to thrive.
Designed for Toddlers
The Pediatric Belt Cane consists of a lightweight rectangular frame that connects with magnets to a custom-made belt. The cane tips slide along the floor providing two points of contact.
How to get a Belt Cane
Pediatric Belt Canes
Are a medical necessity for toddlers with a mobility visual impairment or blindness to walk.